The Raf tomato is a product that has adapted to special conditions that can only be found in the Bay of Almería. The salt-rich soil, the runoff water from Sierra Alhamilla, and the winter breezes of the Mediterranean are essential to obtain the highest quality from this tomato, but so is the passion and wisdom acquired from generation to generation to understand that this crop is so special that all you need to do is let nature do its work.

Soil preparation
The soil is a fundamental factor in the cultivation of Raf tomatoes, since they have very weak roots.
At pepeRaf we cultivate from October to June, leaving the rest of the months for our soil to rest, carrying out light maintenance irrigation, which also provides the ideal salinity for cultivation.
Before each sowing, the soil is thoroughly disinfected to prevent pests, and natural manure rich in organic matter and minerals is added.

Transplanting and planting
At pepeRaf we only grow original and certified Raf tomato seeds from CLAUSE.
Our seeds grow and develop in specialized tomato seedbeds until they form “seedlings”, which are planted by us manually in wide planting frames to allow the greatest surface area for nutrient absorption.
Planting takes place between the months of September and October before the arrival of the winter cold.

Pollination is carried out naturally, by bumblebees "Bombus terrestris", which are responsible for the formation of the fruit, giving the Raf tomato its characteristic shape and properties.

Crop development
This work is fundamental and depends entirely on the experience accumulated over the years. Only experienced farmers like those at pepeRaf can control their crops until they obtain the ideal fruit.
At pepeRaf we have no choice but to sacrifice quantity for quality, leaving only two stems on each plant and using our experience with short and spaced irrigations to obtain the authentic Raf tomato. If we try to increase production by leaving more stems or increasing irrigation and fertilisation, the tomato will become flatter, lose turgidity, flavour and some of its properties.
In addition, we actively support new pest control formulas, such as the use of “Nesidiocoris Tenuis” which controls whitefly through integrated control.

Harvesting and packaging
Harvesting must be done at its optimal moment, just at the beginning of ripening, so experience in this phase is vital.
Packaging is done manually to select the best Raf tomatoes.
At pepeRaf we harvest and package it for shipment on the same day, so it will be available to you in the best ripening conditions.
"As farmers, we have to understand and comprehend the great responsibility that comes with growing and providing food to thousands of consumers. And not everything is worth it, our products have to be healthy and environmentally friendly."