The authentic Raf tomato, unlike most of its hybrids, is a very heterogeneous tomato, with a size that can vary from 3 to 10 cm depending on the height of the bunch where it is, and its position within it.
Seeds from pure breeds, such as the Raf tomato, and in natural crops such as those we do at pepeRaf, vary the size of their fruits depending on the climate, position on the plant, and cultivation period.
We could make a lot of combinations with the sizes, but at pepeRaf we have decided to differentiate them into only two: RAF and MINIRAF.

Differences between the Raf and the miniRaf
Is there a difference in taste between Raf and miniRaf?
The only difference is in size, as they come from the same plant and are the same tomato. Even the miniRaf at the end of the plant's growing cycle can be sweeter than the Raf, as the fruits become smaller as the plant ages, but they contain more sugar.
Are there the same amount of Raf as miniRaf?
The percentage varies with the crop cycle, and at the beginning, the tomatoes are larger and therefore there are more Raf than mini, and at the end it is the opposite, the tomatoes lose size, and therefore the percentage of miniRaf increases.
Is there a difference in price?
For now, yes. In reality, they should have the same price, but over the years, and since the arrival of larger hybrids, people think that miniRaf tomatoes are second-rate. But that is not true, miniRaf tomatoes are of as much or better quality than Raf, although for now and due to the distrust of many customers, at pepeRaf we have decided to lower the price a little to make them more competitive.